When it comes to building a home, there are hundreds of components to manage - schedules, trades, budgets, etc. So, when a superintendent is able to complete a home with zero defects, the hard work should be recognized.
To help recognize strong achievers, Burgess has created the Home Run Builder Award. The Home Run Builder Award recognizes those superintendents whose homes pass the first time Pre-drywall Inspection and the first time Final Inspection without any defects or repaired items.
All builders using the Burgess QA Inspection Program for both Pre-drywall and Final inspections (inspected to zero defects) are automatically included in the reward program.
After a home has completed both the Pre-drywall and Final inspections, we check the defect history. If the home has not had any defects or repair items, we present the superintendent with a regulation size, customized wooden bat commemorating the accomplishment. Each bat is engraved with the superintendent’s name, their company, the home address and the date.
To the superintendents, these bats are much more than awards. The bats are a daily reminder that when they work hard and build at the highest level, their achievements are recognized and truly appreciated.
Contact Burgess Construction Consultants Inc. today to see if your builders are hitting home runs at 888-644-6489 or info@burgess-inc.com. Be sure to connect with us on LinkedIn and "Like" us on Facebook for real-time updates from Burgess!